SPFW: Triton Verão 2014 Masculino

Blog de Moda MasculinaModa Masculina

A Triton trouxe para o Verão 2014 as cores claras em diversas peças e opções como berumuda, jeans, calças e coletes que surgiram também metalizados em roxo e verde. A alfaiataria foi apresentada em meio ao visuais que eram complementados com um chapéu no estilo pescador. 


  1. Claudette disse:

    I actually have enjoyed the publish, but your internet site is pretty broken in Google Chrome. What theme are you using?

  2. Clifton disse:

    Brilliant article thanks! Seems to perform perfectly well with the latest versions of wordpress as well (3.3)Made the code a lot cleaner as mentioned and seems to have made life less difficult when trying to implement the comments form into side areas ect. (Had a nightmare with previous use from the normal code)

  3. Lauryn disse:

    Is there an RSS feed along with the complete articles as an alternative of just the teasers?

  4. Alfonso disse:

    hmm.. i just subscribed on wednesday. i wonder if i made the mailing cut-off? when will the next letters be sent out.

  5. Frank disse:

    Outstandingly insightful bless you, I believe your followers may just want far more items such as this continue the superior hard perform.

  6. Lowell disse:

    I love the dress but know you would search fab in both! I cannot believe every thing in the store might be 1/2 off! WOW, wish I lived closer because I really like The Limited.

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