SPFW: Lino Villaventura Verão 2014 Masculino

Blog de Moda MasculinaModa Masculina

Com a inspiração e tema A coleção viaja na imaginação, sem esforço, apenas seguindo a vontade e buscando no acervo de imagens guardado durante uma vida, dentro do pensamento do estilista. Lino Villaventura apresentou seu Verão 2014 muito glamouroso, encerrando essa temporada do SPFW. Trazendo o branco, preto, cobre, ouro, ocre e bronze para os homens, em peças com riqueza de detalhes, materiais e trabalho. 


  1. Howard disse:

    I keep trying to subscribe into the Letters thing, but there’s nowhere to do so! Once i sign in, under the MANAGE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION website link, there’s only my Book Club subscription. How do I add the Letters thing for $5?

  2. Humberto disse:

    I’m not sure if my subscription info came by way of to you nor am I clear how to pay the $5.00.Thanks this is actually a wonderful idea if I can connect! Judy

  3. Lucrecia disse:

    Is there an RSS feed together with the entire articles alternatively of just the teasers?

  4. Wen disse:

    Thanks for the Great Contest. Would like to win!!

  5. Daryl disse:

    Oooh, I like both of those. Which would you be more comfortable in? I know that you appreciate wearing tights and those types of tops, although the maxi would be quite summery!

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