Aramis apresenta seu Inverno 2013

Blog de Moda Masculina

Com toques de modernidade e misturas diferentes, a Aramis apresenta seu inverno 2013. Com peças para todos os estilos, a coleção apresenta desde a camisa com corte slim estampada, até uma jaqueta em couro ecológico e nylon dupla face, que se juntam a outras peças de vão do sofisticado ao casual.

Em suas cores aparecem os azuis glaciais profundos, brancos ópticos e o cinza claro, iluminando o inverno da marca que também trouxe os terrosos. Nos tecidos, o couro, cetim e o flocado surgem em uma mistura de materiais. No meio de tudo isso as pólos e camisetas completam a coleção proporcionando conforto e estilo ao dia-a-dia do homem moderno. Outras novidades dessa temporada você pode acompanhar no site oficial da Aramis – clique aqui.
O rosto da campanha é o modelo Sean Altemose que posou para o fotógrafo Gustavo Zylbersztojn no exótico Hotel de Glace, em Quebec. 


  1. Devin disse:

    My dream would not be just one place. Just having the money and ability to travel and see it all.

  2. Shella disse:

    auko ng timeline

  3. Corinna disse:

    I have the worst memory! I’ve had a notebook/planner for many years…I actually do not know what I would do with out it!

  4. Grady disse:

    I’ve the worst memory! I have had a notebook/planner for several years…I actually never know what I’d personally do devoid of it!

  5. Noreen disse:

    I do not seriously treatment how or when i get the Letters in the Mail. Every time it arrives, it feels like a letter should be. It’s suddenly there in my mail box an individual day. A nice, tangible surprise. I’m for you doing whatever you want when you send it. Mix it up to the people who help get it sent out. Include crumbs from your lunch. Coffee stains. Whatever. Keep the tedious nature of getting letters out to a minimum by doing whatever you feel like that day. The arrival on the letter and the words of the author inside are what matters. Personally, what I like ideal about The Rumpus is that I never ever know what I’ll read that day. Or if there just isn’t one which day, maybe it’s because Stephen couldn’t locate anything to say or there was too much likely on.

  6. Kay disse:

    Stephen, I got the first letter and every one after EXCEPT Margaret Cho’s. Can you remedy that, please?

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